Summer Progress at Boden

Summer Progress at Boden

It’s been a busy season so far, with the MAG team working away at Boden. For those who follow on Facebook there have been a few updates, but here is a what has been happening over summer….

The excavation of the main fogou is complete, ready for detailed recording. The western extension remains to be explored.....

Meg continues the laborious task of find sorting Graham and Alex slowly wading through the soil samples, carefully searching for items missed by the naked eye during excavation. So far they have found a Roman coin hobnails and a tiny glass bead!

In July MAG hosted a relaunch event for Cornwall Young Archaeologists Club (YAC), organised by Cornwall National Landscape. Loads of budding archaeologists tried their hand at making pottery in the style of the Bronze Age and helped dig test pits. One of these produced a small sherd of Romano-British pottery! 

Cornwall’s Finds Liaison Officer Laura showing the Young Archaeologists how to decorate Bronze Age pottery

One of our members made us a special Bronze Age 'Trevisker Ware' gingerbread to mark the occasion!

Excavation of the Bronze Age roundhouse continues apace, now reaching the floor levels with its associated finds and features (like postholes).

Finds have included a lovely flint sickle and a whetstone with a perforation at one end for hanging from a strap, and of course,  lots more decorated Trevisker Ware pottery from the Middle Bronze Age.

Beryl and Tom found this Muller Stone in an Romano British pit.

On the Round House

Liz Harvey found Hob Nails while wet sieving

Tracey found a huge cluster of around 25 pot sheards in a 1 meter radius

Phil's lovely pot rim for a very large pot.

Unfortunately we had to say farewell to Cathy who has returned to Canada - thanks for all your hard work and see you again next year Cathy!